Monday, December 6, 2010

Facebook Promotional Guidelines

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Facebook has become a dream to marketer’s and business owners’ world wide because you have the potential to access to 500 million people.

What many marketers and business owner do not understand is that Facebook does have guidelines concerning promotions and sweepstakes. If you choose to ignore these guidelines Facebook has the authority to remove any material related to the promotion and they could disable your page.

Here are the most important guidelines in a nut shell

1. All promotions that run on Facebook must be fully located on either
a. The canvas of an application
b. In an application box or tab on the Facebook page
2. AND you must get prior approval from Facebook before the promotion starts.

All contest promotions must be run through third party applications, and must be approved by Facebook at least 7 days in advance of the start date!

The guidelines clearly state that users can not be required to purchase a product or complete a lengthy task in order to enter.

The promotion or competition can not in any way indicate that Facebook is a sponsor or administrator of the promotion.

I have included a list of reputable third party applications for you to use when you deicide to run a promotion.

So what does this mean for you?

You cannot condition the entry in the promotion upon user providing content, like upload the best picture, liking your page, liking your update, etc.

You cannot tell users that they are automatically entered into a completion if they become a “like of your page

You cannot notify winner through Facebook, like direct message, wall posts, or Chat.

I have included a complete list of reputable third party applications to take care of all your promotion and sweepstake needs.

Vitrue, Wildfire, Buddy Media, Fanappz, Involver, Context Optional, Votigo, and theUKbuzz.

To read Face books Promotion Guidelines you can visit the website at:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Facebook Place vs. Foursquare

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I get asked all the time, “Melissa should I use Facebook Places or should I use Foursquare and what is the difference?”

In case you don’t already know, both Facebook Places and Foursquare are Geo-location services that allow users to “check in” at certain locations, like the supermarket, restaurants, etc. This service also allows business to create coupons or deals.

So which one is better? Well that depends on your objective.

Facebook places is now available on the iphone, Androids and the Blackberry. You simple click or touch the Facebook Places icon and “check-in”. Your location and message will be posted on your Facebook wall.

As a business owner, you can claim your business. Simply use the Facebook app to check-in at your business and there is a link at the bottom that says "Is this your business?" Click that to begin the verification process.

Once you have claimed your business, you can use Facebook Places to create “deals” for you customers.

However, there are draw backs.

First, if you are a Blackberry user, you cannot access any deals on Facebook Places. I image that this will not always be these case, but for now, it is.

Second, when you “check-in”, this information is only posted to your Facebook wall and there is no option to have it post anywhere else.

Foursquare is an app that is also available on the iphone, Andriods, and the Blackberry.

Just open the application and “check-in” to your location. The big difference between Foursquare and Facebook Places is that Foursquare gives you the option to post your where-abouts to Facebook, Twitter and to send it to your Foursquare friends.

Businesses can claim there location by simply logging on to the website, and going through the verification process.

Once you have claimed your business, you can use Foursquare to create deals and coupons for your customers. As long as you have a smart phone, you can see the deals.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Staying Social while Mobile

Mobile Tips

There is an app for almost anything these days and being able to stay social while mobile is critical and fun!!

One thing that bugs the heck out of people is the endless scrolling. You have to scroll through one app then you have to scroll through another app. By the end of the day your poor little index finger is cramped and tired.

Here are some tips to save your index finger and make your mobile social life a little less stressful.

Scrolling down the page to read all the updates is the easy part, but scrolling back up to the top to catch the most recent updates is a pain. Well you don’t have to scroll up.

Blackberry Users:

Just push the T on your keyboard . This will take you back to the top.

Now if you have a touch screen Blackberry you can do this one of two ways.

1. Pull out the keyboard and press T.
2. Press the menu button
• click show key board
• then hit T.

iPhone Users.

This is simple; hit the bar at the top of the screen with the battery life and viola…your back to the top.


I have ask every android user I know with a touch screen how they get to the top without scrolling, everything single one says they don’t. Sorry android users, I don’t know the answer. So if you have an answer, please share your knowledge.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Alcohol Advertising Laws and Social Media

Read along!!

I love social media and I use platforms like Facebook and Twitter to follow my Favorite bars and restaurants world wide.

I live in the Raleigh/Durham area and I have visited with a lot of restaurant and bar owners to chat about social media. I’m interested what their social media strategy is and how they are using it.

One thing I am frequently told is that they these restaurants would rather save a few bucks and have their bar-person handle their social media rather than hire a social media professional, like myself.

One big problem is that your bar person sometimes ignore the law.

Now, I am not an attorney and I’m certainly not here to give you legal advice.
I’m just saying, you could loose your liquor license if you are not careful.

Here is an excerpt from the North Carolina Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, 2S .1006 General Prohibitions.

1. Cents-off coupons or coupon offerings free alcoholic beverages shall not be used as a method of advertising.
2. No on-premise permittee or his agent shall advertise any drink promotion prohibited by Rule 2S .0232. This paragraph includes a ban on all advertisements of “2 for 1”, “buy 1 get 1 free”, “buy 1 get 1 for a penny, nickel, etc” and any other similar statement indicating that a patron must buy more than one drink.

Before you let your bar-person tweet, consider this: Is it worth it?

I encourage all restaurants and bar owners to read up on your states alcohol advertising laws.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hash Tags on Twitter: How to use them and why to use them

Hash tag on Twitter. Why to use them and when to use them.

First things first, the hash tag is also known as the pound key. In the UK you say Hash and in the United States we say pound.

Part 1: Why to use the hash tag.

Now, you use the hash tag to tag your tweets. By tagging your tweets, you make them more search friendly by associating them with a particular term. So if you own a bakery you can end your tweet with #bakery.

When someone does a search for bakery, your tweet will show up in the search, it may not be at the top, but it will be there.

It is important to remember that people tag all kinds of crazy things in their tweets. There are no rules. So, there is nothing stopping a pornography twitter account from tagging there tweets with #bakery.

This can cause big problems. When someone does a search for #bakery, your tweet and a pornography tweet will show up in the same search.

Part 2: When to use the hash tag

I say, save your hashing for big events, like conferences, meetings, and trade shows. Usually, the coordinator of a large event will create a specific hash tag for the event.

Here’s an example: The hash tag for the National Restaurant Association Trade shows is #NRAshow

Because the event is so large and the hash tag is so specific, it makes it much easier for people to search for tweets relating to this topic.

You can easily create your own hash tag for an event. I would use a combination of letters and numbers that make sense.

Example: #SmithFR2010 which mean smith family reunion in 2010.

You get the picture, right?

But before you start telling everyone the hash tag for your event, do a quick search to make sure no one else is using it.

Remember…Stay Social

Monday, November 8, 2010

Social Media Management: Creating custom content for your Facebook Page in 9 easy steps.

Customizing a Welcome tab on Facebook is a great way to punch up your page and get the attention you deserve; however, unless you are comfortable with FBML, it can be quit difficult.

So here are my tips to creating a customized welcome page with out having to know any codes!

There are only 9 steps, but if you have never done this before, it can be a little time consuming.

Step 1: Photoshop. If you don’t have it, download it. You can download a 30 day free trial of Photoshop Elements 9.

Step 2: Once you have installed and opened Photoshop, go to file and click open. Find files with pictures you want to use for your custom content. As you can see, I have opened several pictures that I wish to use, including the orange/yellow background picture.

Step 3: Drag and drop your pictures in what ever order you like and arrange them on your background.

Step 4: Add text. On the left hand side of your screen is the text button; push it and create your text box. Write a brief description of who you are and what you do. I also created text boxes under my pictures to write our names. Save your work.

Step 5: Upload your work to Photobucket. If you don’t have a Photobucket account, create one.

Step 6: Open Facebook and in the search bar type in Static FBML. Click Add to my page. Go to your page and click edit page and then click on applications. You should see Static FBML listed as an application, click Go to Application. Here you will have the opportunity to name your tab. Welcome, works well.

Step 7: Go back to Photobucket and click on the image you wish to use as your custom content. On the left side of the screen you will see a box that says: Share this Image. Click on and copy the HTML Code.

Step 8: Time to add dimensions to your code. For now, paste your code into a word document. At the beginning of the code add this:

div style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; WIDTH: 596px; MARGIN-LEFT: auto; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto"

Add: <

in front of div

add: >

at the end of auto". I can't do this because it centers all my text.

Now look at the last line of code and delete the piece that says:


Now add this piece of code to the end:

width="455" height="768" alt="" />

If these dimensions don’t work for you, change them around.

Step 9: In the Static FBML application, copy and paste your code into the box. And hit save.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Social media management:-Twitter: Are you Human?

I know people will tell you that Twitter is all about tweeting links to news articles and blogs that are relevant to your industry. I say, be careful with this approach. Yes, Twitter is excellent for tweeting articles and blog posts that you and your readers may find interesting; however, if this is all you do how can anyone tell if you are human?

Human? Yes, are you a real person or are you a bot (essentially, spam)? I research people and company’s all day everyday as part of my job and I run into so many people and businesses that use twitter to simply tweet links with no engagement.

When I say engagement, I mean asking your fan base questions, encouraging your fan base to ask you questions, and leave their comments and opinions.

When I look at a Twitter page, if I simply see links being tweeted with no engagement I will not follow them, simply because I do not want someone spamming me.

Tips on being Human on Twitter:
1. Ask questions. Not all questions have to be relevant to your industry. Personally, I love to ask people what they did over the weekend.

2. If you are going to tweet links, use the characters available to create your own title for the link, make it more personal. I like to add comments in parenthesis. (This is such a fun article). Also, take into account that people with smart phone will check their Twitter accounts using an app on their phones. This makes reading links to articles difficult.

3. I don’t care what anyone says, I love to see pictures on Twitter. I encourage everyone to upload pictures to your twitter post. I usually upload pictures of places, people, events, etc that my businesses is involved in. Pictures add a personal touch that you can’t get through words.

4. Tweet interesting content and don’t be afraid to get personal. I love it when businesses tell me that John Doe the barman has a birthday today.

Happy Tweeting!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Black Friday, there's an app for that.

The holidays are approaching fast! This season we will see a big surge in the number of retailers using social media, blogs, geo-location based services and apps.

Before you shop check out Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs pages of your favorite stores.

When you are on the go, get the apps (iphone only)

Black Friday App By, Inc (Free) Click Here.

This app shows and confirms rumored deals. Black Friday deals that are no longer available are removed form the list.

Most large retailers now have an app available. I would consider also downloading these.

Happy Shopping!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Meet the Constant Raving Team

A picture is worth a thousand words, which is why they are so much more engaging than words alone. Don’t be afraid to add pictures of your staff, product/services, and events you attend.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Facebook and Skype

Time to install the new Skype version 5.0, and this time you can sign in with Facebook. Now you can easily call or SMS your friends. You also can check out your News Feed, update your status, and like and comment on posts directly within Skype.

Follow the link, sign in or sign up, and download the new version. The dowmload process only takes a few minutes.Skype Link

Click the Facebook tab and follow the direstions.Ta-da, your news feed apears!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not seeing results with social media?

You need to get the word out that you’re using certain social platforms. While some people may find you via search, others need a bit of help.

First, it is important to utilize your website. Make it easy for people to move from your website to your social platfroms with direct links.

Second, use the back of your business card. Most people do not take advantage of this space.

Last, if you have a newsletter, email list, flyers, etc, make sure to include the links to your social pages.

Good Luck!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

National Restuarnat Association Trade Show 2010

Sunday through Tuesday, Constant Raving attended the National Restaurant Association Trade Show in Chicago. We walked the corridors of the McCormick Center to chat with folks in the restaurant business about the power of social media and why they need to be a user.

We interviewed a few vendors at the show and posted them on our Facebook page and Twitter page. You can find them at or

The show attracts a wide variety of people in the restaurant business, everyone from restaurant owners to app developers. As we strolled through the masses, we found that most of these businesses were not using social media and if they were, they were sticking exclusively to Facebook. Diversity is key to a successful social media strategy.

The show had quite a few app developers; however, most were exclusively for the iPhone. In our opinion, app developers need to create useful apps for the major smart phones, not just for iPhone users.

As we walked past the entrance to the North Wing, we noticed a screen displaying live Twitter feeds from the event using the tag #nrashow. That says it all. Allowing people the opportunity to see their tweets is a great way to engage. We just loved that.

All in all, the show was a great success and we had a blast.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today we attended a meeting with a potential client in the Sandhill's area of North Carolina. They are very excited about the prospect of using the power of Constant Raving. When will you be calling us?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

We have a new client

We have a new client, 5 Star Awards!! Become a fan of Facebook or follow them on Twitter.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Attended NRA Show 2010

Constant Raving is attending the National Restaurant Association Trade Show in Chicago May 23rd-25th!!

With Apple's launch

With Apple's launch of the iPad, has identified restaurants and hospitality as one of three industries likely to be changed by the technology. Developers are working on new applications, including one that could replace paper menus with more interactive versions.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Facebook users

Facebook users are openly sharing their life’s passions, personal interests, and their affinity, or lack thereof, for corporate brands, political candidates, and the key public policy stances. In effect, they are openly sharing every bit of marketing data a 21st century company covets.

Facebook is not just for college kids

Far too many executives still see Facebook as a vast, uncontrollable outpost for college slackers, one better equipped for picture sharing and random life updates than corporate reputation management, crisis response, and brand bulletproofing.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not Just Tweets any More!!

Constant Raving has decided that we are not using eblooger to its fullest capacity. While continuing to blog our Tweets we will also begin to blog substantial content about 3 times a week. We want to inform the public and business owner about social media, its uses, and how it can be the most important tool in your marketing arsenal.

For instance, Twitter is a fabulous way, not only to stay connected with friends and family, but also to connected with businesses. You can link Twitter to your smart phone so that tweets show up as an SMS. You can choose the people and businesses you want to receive SMS Tweets from. When someone sends a message using Twitter, it is refereed to as a Tweet.

This morning I received a Tweet from Starbucks telling me that today was free Pastry day. All I had to do was print out the coupon from their website and visit the closet Starbucks to receive my free pastry. YUM!!

Sending out Tweets to your clients with daily specials, discounts and coupons is an excellent way to drive customers to your door.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Social media usage doubles for Small Businesses

The number of small businesses using social media has doubled since 2008 as more companies look for ways to identify and attract new customers, according to a recent survey. The index is based on a December 2009 telephone survey of 500 small business owners. About half the respondents said social media takes more time than they expected!! Call Constant Raving 919.244.7503

Friday, February 12, 2010

The opening ceremony

The opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics is tonight at 7:30pm. GO TEAM USA!! Don't forget, your favorite Olympians will be tweeting from the games.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The New York Times,

The New York Times, The Austin American-Statesman and The Huffington Post are all experimenting with ways to generate ad dollars using Twitter and Facebook. For $300 per day gives you one tweet in the morning and one in the afternoon.

"The use of social networking

"The use of social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, by small and large businesses alike, has grown tremendously over the past three years," said Nancy Church, chair of the Marketing Department at Plattsburgh State University.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rain, sleet or snow

Rain, sleet or snow Constant Raving is always here for your business. We "rave" about your business 365 days. Call us today at 919.244.7503 to feel the power of Constant Raving.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mobile society

"Society is more mobile now than ever, which increases the need for social networking", Tom Johnson said, a Tech professor and social networking sites researcher. "The younger generation grew up with this technology", he said, "but the older generation has caught on easily — they have become more technology-savvy."

Thursday, January 7, 2010


According to the Facebook Web site, the site has more than 300 million active users, and the fastest-growing demographic is 35 years and older.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Had a meeting today

Had a meeting today with a restaurant owner looking for better advertising!!