Friday, November 5, 2010

Social media management:-Twitter: Are you Human?

I know people will tell you that Twitter is all about tweeting links to news articles and blogs that are relevant to your industry. I say, be careful with this approach. Yes, Twitter is excellent for tweeting articles and blog posts that you and your readers may find interesting; however, if this is all you do how can anyone tell if you are human?

Human? Yes, are you a real person or are you a bot (essentially, spam)? I research people and company’s all day everyday as part of my job and I run into so many people and businesses that use twitter to simply tweet links with no engagement.

When I say engagement, I mean asking your fan base questions, encouraging your fan base to ask you questions, and leave their comments and opinions.

When I look at a Twitter page, if I simply see links being tweeted with no engagement I will not follow them, simply because I do not want someone spamming me.

Tips on being Human on Twitter:
1. Ask questions. Not all questions have to be relevant to your industry. Personally, I love to ask people what they did over the weekend.

2. If you are going to tweet links, use the characters available to create your own title for the link, make it more personal. I like to add comments in parenthesis. (This is such a fun article). Also, take into account that people with smart phone will check their Twitter accounts using an app on their phones. This makes reading links to articles difficult.

3. I don’t care what anyone says, I love to see pictures on Twitter. I encourage everyone to upload pictures to your twitter post. I usually upload pictures of places, people, events, etc that my businesses is involved in. Pictures add a personal touch that you can’t get through words.

4. Tweet interesting content and don’t be afraid to get personal. I love it when businesses tell me that John Doe the barman has a birthday today.

Happy Tweeting!!!

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